Tuesday, 25 November 2008

woooooooo hooooooooooo

god i haven't blogged in ages i have been so busy lately.
don't  you love it when something just work's out and takes all the worries away well that happened to me today. so now i can relax ............ bring on christmas

Sunday, 12 October 2008

how proud

i can not explain how proud i am of Blake. his football has been amazing every second he is playing he is trying his best and his best is amazing. even when he is tired he carries on. i can honestly say that he was the best on the pitch by far today. and i know its true because he got man of that match. and everyone was praising him. Steve who is the Secretary said he had a lump in his throat watching Blake play. i cant stop smiling

Thursday, 2 October 2008

hsMs landmark

the beauty that is stone henge it rained so much my lens on my camera was wet i was wet but still managed to get some good shots

Wednesday, 24 September 2008

now i understand

sonny is teething i think...... dribble, biting everything that goes near his mouth, whole fist in his mouth,grumpy,clingy, unsettled sleep. 

i do feel sorry for him poor little monkey . but he is doing fab he is 13 weeks now and growing so fast x


i am gutted its stopped boo hoo i was just getting in too it xx

Monday, 15 September 2008

hsms Row

A number of people or things in a straight line. Show us a 'row' in your space today.

Thursday, 28 August 2008


my blakey monkey he makes me smile everyday


my little monkey blakey he makes me smile everyday

my dress

 here is my dress that i brought for my sisters 30th birthday i was just so excited  when i sore it ... i can not wait for it too come . i love it i love it i love it...... red shoe's red bag and curly hair i am thinking... woo hoo

Tuesday, 26 August 2008


last night i played the first game of monopoly with blake yo say it was funny is an understatement. he loved it. got stressed when floyd told him he had to give him £1100 for landing on his street with a hotel on.  and kept calling the chance card a challenge card. we did have a good laugh.
i now have the monopoly bug i want to play it again x

Tuesday, 19 August 2008

www.dawanda.com has the best stuff ever

Sunday, 10 August 2008

sps ( day late)

a day late but here is mine

Wednesday, 6 August 2008


To carry and bear weight or load. What are you holding?

blake holding floyds  hand

Monday, 4 August 2008


A tube of material in which to feed liquid or air. Have you got a fine set of pipes?

scrap booking

since being pregnant i have not done any scrap booking. the main reason was because well i had pregnancy brain.... and was so sleepy all the time and another thing i could not get in too my studio as Sonny's furniture was in there. but since having sonny i am itching to get in there and start to be scrappy again. i have so many projects  still have Florida to scrap..... and now Sonny's baby book. 
but its been such a long time i think i am a bit out of the loop. whats in fashion,.... awwww i just don't know. 
i have just ordered 161 photos to be printed so at the least that's a start. think i need a few classes with my sis to get back in too the flow. 

Saturday, 2 August 2008


my little man who makes me smile every day 

Tuesday, 29 July 2008

pool fun times

i must say i am loving the pool... well more so Blake is loving the pool. he spend 6 hours in it yesterday. it was freezing to get in at first but Blake didn't care. Viv even got in it yesterday.
i did get in it once Floyd had got in from work because sonny was having a moany day and i could hardly put him down. its great in there Blake can actually swim from one side to the other. its great practise xx


well for two nights now sonny has not had colic. and the only thing that has changed is that he was having bottle all through the day and breast through the night. which normally his night feeds are only short so he is not taking much breast. i am gutted that i have stopped breast feeding but if this is the cure for the colic then that's the best for him.
i cant believe how big he is getting he is only 5 weeks but it seems like he has been here for months and months.

: ) woo hoo for no more colic 

Saturday, 26 July 2008

where did they come from?

sonny has square ears.....? don't know where they came from but they are so cute.

how things have been

its seems to me like sonny has been here forever its  strange how things really change but just fit in.  
for the first week all he did was sleep,eat and poo.  there were some points where i thought he slept too much and i would have to wake him for a feed. what was bad about this week was that Floyd got ill from the day we brought him home right up until the day he had to go back to work. it was bloody hard work trying to get Blake to school on time get sonny ready, sort myself out and Floyd. i really felt sorry for Floyd he missed Sonny's first week and in someways i felt sorry for myself. i should have been having a rest but instead i was doing double the work not that it was Floyd's fault but i had still not caught up on my sleep from the birth. but i got through it.
sonny is a pleasure he is so lovely and sweet he has colic at the moment which is a nightmare he is having therapy for it which i hope works. he has now had it for three weeks. 
i am still breastfeeding at the moment but he is having a bottle once or twice a day it has made him more content. i really hated giving him (fake milk) at first but knew that if it helped its worth it.  he seemed to like it. don't think he is too impressed with water lol.
he goes about every four hours at night time which is good. 
and he has started to smile it looks so cute.

Blake has adapted well he loves his little brother. he just wants to honk his legs all the time. he has been helping me out loads he is such a good boy.

i went and got sonny weighed on Wednesday and he is 11lbs and one ounce cant believe it he is getting so big.my friend Kelly was in there her baby is 11 weeks and she weighs less then sonny lol.

its hard to write everything down because so much has been going on.
i am loving being a mum of two its great i can not imagine life any different now. i love everything about having a newborn even changing them stinky nappies is a pleasure.

Wednesday, 23 July 2008

my sunshine

my sonny sunshine was born on the 23rd June 2008 at 4.12 am he weighed 9lb.

i was taken in too be induced at 6 o'clock on the 22ND. i was so set in my mind that things were going to be a nightmare. i could see it going just like Blake's birth did. ( i was so wrong)

they came round to induce me at around 7.45  i told the midwife that i didn't think the gel was going to work because i had it 3 time with Blake and nothing happened. she told me it would so i just relaxed and waited too see if she was right. she had put me on the monitor i started to feel tightening on one side of my belly but just thought it was the position he was laying in i think i was in a bit denial. she said it was tightening and that things will start to get going.
Me and Floyd were so sleepy we kept falling asleep. at about 10.45 i felt and heard a pop i thought that he has just made a sudden movement not even thinking my waters had broke. then about 10 minutes later the waters started coming out. i was in shock i think. i just kept saying i can't believe the gel worked my waters have actually broke. 
it took about an hour for all my waters to come out but once they did the contractions started. straight away they started at about 2/3 minutes apart they were pain full but controllable . as the hours went on they got stronger and were about 1minute apart. i asked for some gas and air at this point. well my gas and air came which just made me feel drunk but took the edge of a tiny bit.  i was falling asleep in between  contractions how i don't know. i had some weird dreams. then the contractions switched from being bearable to unbearable in a few minutes. i had hardly seen a midwife they just popped there head round once in a while. well at this point it felt like someone was pulling my insides out. the pain was so bad  that i was unable to stay still my legs were wiggling i was holding floyds hand and kept pulling it when i got a contraction. my gas and air thing was broke and was making a clonking sound every time i sucked on it which woke up the two woman next too me. at that point i really didn't care lol.
so Floyd called for the midwife and i asked for something stronger. she checked me and i was 4 cm  dilated. She told me i would be going to the labour ward soon. 
when she came back she said there were no beds ( nhs for you). another midwife came with a wheelchair and said they have to find me a bed. to stand up was so pain full  everything around me seemed  faded its weird to describe but i was in so much pain.
i could not take the gas and air with me so they wheeled me to labour ward. they rushed me in too room 9. which was not even set up properly
they got me on the bed the midwife who delivered sonny came in. she started to check me. i asked her if i could have some pethidine  but she said no because i was 10 cm and had to start pushing. i couldn't believe it it had happened so quickly. 
i remember being really thirsty  and asking for  Walter which i didn't get to drink because sonny was so quick to come out i had no chance.
i started to push and with two pushes could feel his head coming out. i gave another couple of big pushes and his head came. the first thing Floyd said was " he has a squidgy face" then she told me to pant and push then the shoulders came out then the rest just followed. she picked him up the first thing i saw was his feet they were massive.
she put him straight on too my belly he was perfect everything about him was beautiful. she cut the cord delivered the placenta then rushed out the room. me and Floyd were left on our own with our perfect son. i kept just looking at him. his hair was dark i couldn't believe how much he reminded me of Blake.  
we were left for about 30 minutes then the lady came to weigh him he was 9lb. i thought he looked smaller then Blake but no he was bigger. we put him in to his clothes and i latched him on and he started to have his first feed. that moment is always so amazing i remember it with Blake the instant bond and love you have for your baby is amazing. with Blake the song fast car by Tracy Chapman was on the radio with sonny it was bob Marley one love. i love that song and couldn't believe it was playing when i was having such a special moment with him. 
so all in all i was in labour for five hours and 12 minutes, i actually pushed him out in 8 minutes. 
this time round was so different from the first. with Blake it was so pain full at the end when i was pushing him out but i didn't feel the contractions because of the epidural. but with sonny the contractions where really bad but pushing him out did not really hurt. well it was so quick i don't think i had time to think about the pain.
we brought Blake up too meet his brother at about midday. i was going to be aloud home at 11 but they had to do some blood test on sonny so it was a bit later.  i think Blake was a bit overwhelmed and couldn't believe it. we went home at 2 o'clock

it is now a month since he was born and he is amazing. he is really strong and held his head up when he was one day old. it seems like he has always been here. i can not imagine life  with out him. he has got colic at the mo which is a pain but all in all he is a great baby.

i have wrote so much today i will right more about him when my fingers go back to normal. lol

Sunday, 22 June 2008

todays the day

so i am going to be induced at 6 o'clock tonight. i can not believe that they leave you for 14 days before they try to induce you. i hope this time it works.
it is strange that it is the last day that it will be just 3 of us. and soon blakey will have a brother and we will have our second son.
i am scared but really excited at the same time. 

babies room is now all done i can't believe it the other day it was bare walls now its all done, Floyd done such a great job. Blake was so helpful yesterday he is such a sweety.

so the next time i write on my blog i will have baby eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Wednesday, 18 June 2008


is the day i am being induced. 
today my midwife came too see me and after attempting to do another sweep she hold me it is really highly unlikely that i am going to have baby at home because i will need to be started off.  am not even one centimeter at the mo so she thinks one lot of gel should do it and i will get going. hopefully this time round the gel will work for me because it didn't with blakey boo. but we will have too see.
i still want it the same if i do have to go to hospital Blake will be the first to see him then depending on when i am going home i will make a decision on what happens. hopefully the gel will work i will go in too labour Sunday evening and be home by Monday night? ( wish full thinking)  if not Tuesday.
i feel OK about going in too have him as i know its the best place for me too be as i am so over my due date. the midwife also thinks that he will be at the lower end of 8lb so that's good. but you never know? 

the extension is looking amazing all the plastering is done and the underfloor heating is laid. the floor is down and the out side is now rendered . i am so happy with it my living room looks sooooooo ,much bigger its mad. i can not wait to get babies room done,

i think Blake wants to start doing dancing so i am going to have too look in too classes for him. i think street dance or break dancing would be perfect he is a right mover.  
he got all upset tonight because the photo he has of me in a little frame has fell out and he was really crying so i had to put another picture in his room he is so sensitive at times. god i love him he really is sweet.

Monday, 16 June 2008

fathers day

we had a really lovely day yesterday. we just chilled out with the family and had yummy food. Blake played football in the garden all day and didn't want to get up this morning because he was so tired. 
it was really lovely to see people.
i am going to see my midwife this afternoon and she is going to do a sweep so hopefully that will get things going. Floyd is coming with me i really didn't fancy walking up the school straight away after people say its really uncomfy to have it done. 

when i walked up the school this morning everyone just walked passed me and shock their heads they can not believe i am still pregnant. xx

and i think my son blakey boo is so clever he can read roman numerals ?  he really does amaze me.

Friday, 13 June 2008

still no sign

well he is still not here .... little monkey
i really thought i might of had him by now but nope just like Blake i am over due.  i was due on Sunday.
 i have tried everything apart from Castor oil which i think is a bit wrong really i don't want to end up getting really bad poop's and possibly baby getting a bad belly and pooping before he is out. 
the midwife is going to do a sweep on Monday so hopefully that will help  but you never know. if not i will have to go in too hospital and be induced which i really don't want to do after the nightmare i had with Blake
but it might not be as bad this time as he is my second. 
everything is ready to go the waiting is killing me. i have had a show now for weeks and tummy pains, strong brankston hicks but then they just go away. awwwwwwwww
i have ate a whole pineapple that did not work ( well i had more of a show after that ) think i might eat the other on tonight might as well.

and another thing that is doing my head in is the fact that  have not been any were for weeks and its driving me mad. either i am too sleepy or i don't want to go too far just in case i go in too labour. the only place i have been is asda and that was over two weeks ago lol.

well Floyd has a tooth again so that is good at least the first pictures of him with baby will be nice ones. they have done a great job on it you can not even tell. well apart from when he plays around with it and it goes lower then the other and he looks all goofy.
but he looks like my lovely Floyd again so that's all good..

and last but not least 



Monday, 9 June 2008

my floyd

i was laying in bed last night thinking about my
floydy... and i feel like i must write down how i feel about him and my life with him.

when we first got together i didn't think anything would come of it we were both young and had no responsibilities. i was the most jealous person in the whole world and Floyd was not really looking for a long term girl friend as such. his longest relationship was about 3 months. but it was strange that he put up with me.. i was a nightmare but he stuck by me and really did see me for me. then when i fell pregnant with Blake after only 4 months of us being together we were shocked because there was one accident and i fell. but we knew that everything would be OK i still was a nightmare with jealousy  and hated him going out with out me. it wasn't that i thought he would do anything it was my own feelings about myself that made me like that.
but as time went on and i learned more about myself and what i wanted in life the more mine and Floyd's relationship just fell in too place. when we had Blake it changed us we grew up we took responsibility and started to enjoy the fact that this was it. 
we both new that we didn't want Blake brought up in a high rise council flat in chadwell and we both knuckled down and got our self our first place which we really could not afford but we had to take the jump and it was worth it. Floyd learned that he could do anything if he tried hard which he did. he always had mad idea's about what he wanted to do but always put 100% effort in too everything he attempted even if they didn't work out in the end.  
but knew he could make good money and provide for his family and that's what he has done. after people thinking that he would never amount to anything he proved everyone wrong. 
with my support he knuckled down and passed all this exams and now is a electrician,plumber and gas fitter. he worked so hard to get where he is and i can't even say how proud i am off him
because there are no words that can describe it.
and as a dad he is amazing Blake is such a good well balanced little boy. and i know he is going to grow up too be just like his dad and that makes me so happy.  and i know that our other little boy is going to be the same.
he is my best friend and the most amazing man i have ever met and i love him so much. he makes me proud every day. he makes me laugh so much and makes me smile. he has brought out the best in me.
and what i love so much about him is that he is one of the only people that i trust 100%.  and its strange because like i said i was a nightmare and didn't trust anyone. but with Floyd its different we both have our own life but at the same time share the most amazing relationship.
i still get the butterflies and that rush of love when i give him a kiss and a cuddle. i look at him and fancy him so much. he really is my soul mate and i do thank my lucky stars that i found him and he has stuck by me. 7 and a half years we have been together and i know that we will be together forever. i can never imagine my life with out him and hope that i will never have too. i love my floydy and he makes me so proud. just like my blakey and baby. i love my family

Wednesday, 4 June 2008

so sleepy

god the walk up the school makes me tired. its really hard to do it now but i have got to get going i really don't want to go stupidly over. 
i think he had dropped a bit more now. he seems like he is really on my pelvis now which is why its hard to walk. 
i just can't wait.........
think i might go and have a little sleep hehe

Saturday, 31 May 2008

still waiting

still waiting for bubba to come i just want him to come now its not even like i am bored of being pregnant i love it. i just want to see my baby. 
i have got to say i have really had enough of everyone fussing over me its driving me mad. one minute its " oh that's a sign" or "have you got any twinges"  well i am a week away from my due date so its obvious i am going to get things. i know that every one wants him here but really not as much a me. and i know that everyone is just being caring buts its driving me mad. at the end of the day i am feeling great,i am no longer stressed about the whole fight thing so i don't want to be fussed about. i just want to get through the last bit of pregnancy with out getting stressed because  people are stressing me out keep bloody asking all the time. lol
i am looking forward to getting in too shape after baby is born because there is no excuse anymore i am going to lose all my weight and be a yummy mummy.
Floyd is doing the roof today so that is good. 

Thursday, 29 May 2008

feeling for today

i feel a bit rough today... last night i felt dizzy and sicky and now this morning i have had a period like belly ache its getting on my nerves. i really hope its a sign he is coming he he. but i don't want to get my hopes up. every time i get a slight twinge i think oh could it be today? so i will just have to wait and see. i was only saying yesterday i am bored i want to go in too labour lol maybe someone has listened.
so Floyd had to have his front tooth taken out the poor thing. its made him even more mad about the whole thing. i think if it was not for me Blake and baby he would have gone and found them and sorted it. but the other  person involved in it is really not happy so we will have to wait and see what happens. more things have come to light but we don't know if they are trying to blame it on someone else but we will get to the bottom off it.
the swelling on his face has really gone down and so has his lip so he is looking more like Floyd again. and its nice to be able to give him a kiss again. its not nice looking at him with no tooth but its not his fault. 
i so want our baby now i just want to see what he looks like and cuddle him and smell him lol. i still have not packed my hospital bag just in case i have to go in hospital. i think i will do it tonight. i have got the midwife on Monday maybe she will be able to see if i am dilated at all. that's if he don't come before. i want him i want him i want him.
my Fifi and jay are coming round today so i can't wait too see them its been ages. Blake can't wait to see nieve he is so sweet he said " i will put my go go's away and get out Mr potato head out she will like that"
he is going to be such a good big brother. 
i have said to Floyd that if he wants to buy me anything for becoming a mummy again he can get me a wii fit lol. i can not wait to get going on getting my body back.
my extension is coming on really well the doors and windows are all in and the wall in the middle is there. floyd is going to do the roof over the weekend which will mean that it is water tight them the inside can really get going. woo hoo

Tuesday, 27 May 2008

how i feel about it all

i am trying not to stress about the whole thing but its so hard when all you get is reminders of what happened Floyd did not deserve that. all Floyd ever does is try to protect people that he loves and ends up getting glassed and kicked in the head. i am so angry at the whole thing and just want to scream but i know that i have to keep chilled because of baby. so many people have phoned,text or messaged me to ask how Floyd is and i am so great full to them.
the thing that is bothering me is everyone talking about getting them back which i do understand but i have told everyone please just leave it for now i really don't need anymore  stress. i just want my baby brought in too this world in a happy environment.
but every time someone phones Floyd they ask what happened and i have to relive it all again in my head.  and the fact that there was no way i could help him is horrid.
and i hate the fact that i can't even kiss my boyfriend on the lips.  i hate them for doing this to him. but i am going to stop talking about it now because i can feel myself getting angry again. i am going to enjoy half term with blakey boo and think about our hunky baby coming so soon x 

Saturday, 24 May 2008

cornwall woo hoo

so we got our confirmation for Cornwall we are going on September the 1st until the 5Th  and i really can't wait. i have never been there before and can't wait to get my camera out over there he he
the weather is so nice today but i have no garden at the mo its so messy... by next summer i will be able to use it lol

so we went and got babies push chair and the bath so i really feel ready now just waiting for him to want to come out. the thing is i am feeling really well at the moment and don't feel like i am ready to drop. which some say is a sign that you are close but now i just think he is going to be late because i feel to good. i will have to wait and see.

i have got to say that i am getting fed up with everyone asking me every five minutes if i am OK or if i am in labour.....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 
or telling me that i am close to giving birth or in slow labour i think i would know by now lol. he will come when he is ready and i just want to enjoy the rest of my pregnancy with out being treated like i have something wrong with me. i know people are just worried and excited but its driving me MAD..  and Viv is annoying me by keep calling baby "my baby" its mine,Floyd and Blake's baby not hers if she wants a baby go and have one ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh lol
just starting to get agitated now he he.

Friday, 23 May 2008

half term

well first of all i didn't even know that Blake had today off its teacher training day lol.  
so its our last half term on our own and it seems all a bit weird. i know once bub's comes along it will feel like he has been here for ever. its just a bit strange.
i want to try and spend as much time as possible just playing and being with Blake this week. i will probably just spend the whole week in just having me and Blake time. 
its hard because i am so close to having baby that i can't really get out and do much with him but i think he will just be happy with chilling and spending time together.
we are going to go and get babies push chair on Sunday and take Blake to see Indiana Jones at the pictures but i think the rest of the bank holiday weekend Floyd will be doing the extension which really looks like one now it has a sort of roof and doors and windows.

Tuesday, 20 May 2008

its all real now

so today my midwife popped in to bring my home birth pack. well there was me thinking it was going to be just some info and stuff well how wrong was i lol . its was all the medical stuff they will need like needles,caffiter, repair kit( now that is something that scared me)  gloves all that stuff. so it has really made it real that in a few weeks we are actually having a baby....eeeeeeeeee
she said i should put something like a shower curtain on the bed from now really just in case my waters break. 
and basically i am Ready when he is. 
i have been in lots of pain the last few days i think its just the case that i am at the end of my pregnancy and its bloody hard work and he is getting heavy.
god i just can't wait to be a mummy again..... bring it on he he

Sunday, 18 May 2008


i am sure my bubba is going to be about 20lb he is so heavy. my pelvis is killing..... and every time i move the bottom of my tummy hurts where he is resting on it.
he keeps sticking his butt out as well which is so cute but sometimes pain full
i am just really looking forward to seeing him i want him out now...

so i took Blake to the fracture clinic  on Friday and where the lady said he had broken his thumb was not right ( what is up with people getting things wrong) it is actually across the bottom of this thumb just above the growth plate. he said it might effect the growth in his thumb but its highly  unluckily so that's good. he has got to keep the support on until his next cheek up on the 5Th of June. and the doc hold him he should try and not play football... but i just can't seem to stop him everything is football at the moment. i have told him to only kick the ball not be in goal or pick it up so hopefully he will listen to me. 
Its strange with Blake you would not even know he has broke his thumb and has hardly complained at all.. but yesterday he went to dry his face on a towel that's was on the toilet seat but miss judged it and smashed his face on the toilet seat which mad his nose bleed... he freaked out i don't think it was the pain in his nose it was the sight of blood he hated he is a funny thing. Floyd is the same bones don't bother him but blood and guts do. 

the extension is getting there the roof is starting to go up so that's all good. i just cant wait to have two extra rooms and have something else to decorate.

Tuesday, 13 May 2008

woo hoo

the midwife got it wrong he is head down so all is good for our home birth. i had started to worry when i thought he was breech because of the pain in my lower belly. but i know its just were he is not floating in the waters he is now resting on my belly and pelvic bone. i am so happy and i can go back to planning my natural birth.

it was strange looking at the scan picture because he was so big and his face looked so lovely really big cheeks and a little button nose just like Blake it took my breath away at how amazingly beautiful he is and i can not wait to meet him.

yay yay yay i am so happy x x x 

how things can change......

first of all Blake has broke his thumb playing football at school he is OK and you wouldn't even know he has done it. 
he still wanted to play football on Saturday but we talked him out of it. i have got to take him to the fracture clinic on Friday but i don't think there is much more they can for it. he is a brave little monkey.

and second thing is baby is still breech ......?
so i am off to have a scan today to see what is happening. my midwife did not say anything about trying to turn him or see if he will turn by him self she just said that i will have the scan if he is still breech then they will do a c-section at about 37/38 weeks. so my hunky monkey might be here a little bit sooner then we thought. i am feeling OK about it its just changed my plans a bit but at the end of the day as long as bub's and me are OK that's all that matters.
i have Lot's of people around me to help so i know things are going to be OK.
we sorted out the baby stuff yesterday and he has more clothes then the whole of mother care lol. well at least i wont have to worry about loads of washing straight away.
i just can't wait to see him now and to hold him and smell him.. and look at the tiny little toes .... eeeeeeee i am having a baby and i can't bloody wait.

Tuesday, 6 May 2008

feeling good

hopefully everything is sorted now and i don't even know what happened?  but it seems that things are back to normal and that's all that matters now. 

went to mums today and we had a right laugh with the Sims now i know what they are doing when they want to woohoo!!!!!!!!!   and now they want to woohoo in public lol. but the lady Sim kissed someone else and the man slapped her round the face and started crying lol.  god i miss playing the Sims.

Blake's reading seems to be coming on in leaps and bounds and i am so proud and his math's is fab. he really is working hard at school.

and the extension is actually looking like one now it has walls!!!!!!!!!!! i can actually see the size of it now so i can really start to place furniture (in my head) 

i am collecting for a charity for a little girl called holly she is five and has cancer her mum is a single mum of three and can't work because she has to look after holly.  so i am going to have to take this lovely little cuddly dog with me every wear so people can try and guess what its name is its only a pound a go and i have got to get 30 try's.  hopefully everyone will help and help poor little holly. 

and another thing we are going on the sun (paper) holiday break thing... £15 per person and hopefully we will get in and be off to Cornwall in august . its only a four day break but i have never been to Cornwall and really can't wait to go. baby will only be 8 weeks but i am not too worried about that. it will be a really nice break after being pregnant and all the work on the extension. and i think i will get good use of my camera over them few days he he.

Monday, 5 May 2008


Floyd had a really lovely birthday me and Blake got him his private number plate which Say's floydez  it looks fab on the truck. and we got him PES 2008 for the wii and we got him a massage which he loved. we just spend the evening having an Indian and chilling out. 
Then on Friday we went to the outback steak house. the food there is lovely and the company was great we did have a laugh. a few people let us down too go which is a shame but i didn't expect anything different to be honest?

Its strange sometimes when you go to a boot sale and find nothing?  but Sunday we did really well first off was a lady selling loads of boys baby clothes that were fab. gap,next rosha Jon rosha so we brought a few bits from her. Then we got a bed set,rug,lamp and life ring pillow all in nautical theme for babies room for £8.00. so pleased with that.
and we were keeping our eye out for a rocking mosses basket stand and we got a fab one with mosses basket  and sheets and stuff for £10. so all in all we did really well. 
Nigel brought Blake a guitar lol its far to big for him but he loves it.

so i am off to have a fun day with my blakey boo we are going to make muffins and i am going to start doing some off my photography course.

Tuesday, 29 April 2008

making a turn

i think baby might be turning... this last week all i have wanted to do is wee, but i sit on the toilet and its a drip lol. which is a sign that he is pressing on my bladder. and my pelvis and hips have been hurting. i had to ask Jo to take Blake into school for me today as i can hardly walk.
i mean i have had a really busy weekend...

Saturday. Blake's football, went up to London and watched west ham and Newcastle then had Nathans. then went to ikea and got some of the bedroom furniture ( which is lovely).

Sunday. went to the boot sale with Floyd,Blake and dad, then make furniture with Floyd then went to Andrea's for a family get together ( which was soooo funny)

Monday.. doing all my house work and sorting all my clothes out, then helping Floyd sort the furniture out. and getting bits up the town which seems to make me want to go to sleep.

so yeah i am sleepy today.

no bunny come back yet think he is enjoying his freedom. Blake is really missing him. i am trying not to talk about it as he gets upset.
we have said that we will get him something else maybe a guinepig or another bunny. but i think we will wait until the extension is done then Floyd is going to make a big cage. so they can run free he he.

and its floyd's birthday tomorrow so hopefully he can have the day off and we can do something. x

Sunday, 27 April 2008

run away bunny

Blake's bunny has run away.......... don't know when he went but he has gone? i thin it must of been last night because i looked out this morning and he was not in the side where you can see through so i thought he must be in the bedroom bit. then we went to the boot sale came back and i still could not see him went to check and he had gone.... must have got through the gap at the top of the door. didn't help that dad was hear and said to Blake their is probably a fox licking its lip's somewhere.... he is such a dick head sometimes. i have told Blake he has gone to find a girlfriend. what a nightmare.

Friday, 25 April 2008

size 0

i am loving baby's new lonsdale pumps they are so small... every time  someone comes round Blake shows them off... i just can't wait to see him in them with his little black skinny jeans he he

Thursday, 24 April 2008


went and watched blake do his first school swimming lesson today..... he did really well.
it was strange watching him but not being involved. but i think when baby come's i will take both of them swimming once a week hopefully floyd can do it too maybe on a saturday morning. i want to get baby swimming as soon as really. i should have done it with blake but just didn't.
i think i have just got floyd the best birthday card lol it really made me laugh. it goes well with what happened on sunday hehe.
also got him a pressie too so hope he enjoy's it..

its just started really raining.... so pleased i got in when i did?

got to go and print of the first 10 pages of my photography modules ... printer ran out of ink ?

Wednesday, 23 April 2008

oh and another thing

i have a strange love ...... the smell of dust..? or wet washing.  and the floor steamer smells lovely lol. i did the same with blake its so hard to explain and might sound like i am a freak but i can't help it. its a good job they are building the extension its fab... loads of brick dust.   god i sound strange.

glastonbury 2008

Its strange this year that i am not going but at the end of the day my baby is the most important thing at the moment. i am actually not that bothered that i can not go. its not just because the line up is crap or anything like that because glastonbury is what it is with or without the line up.. its amazing. 
it might sound like i am being selfish or silly but i do feel like the convo at the mo is all about glastonbury and thats it.. and not very offen is the fact that baby will be here before glasto. it seems like that is the focus. it might just be me i might just be thinking that.  it seems like i am always talking about baby but no one else is asking how he is or how i am. i always start the convo.   

i am sure when it comes to the time when he is here people will acted like they are bothered... well i hope? (feeling sorry for myself lol)

i think baby is tryng to turn the movements are so sharp and uncomfy at the mo... and he really has a sleep pattern. i know when he is going to wake up and when he is most active.  he likes to move around when i am eating my dinner.. and wakes up when he hears my voice when i first wake up in  the morning.. i love that.
i just can't wait for him to be here... not long now 49 day's he he


signed up for my course and got my first module... just wish my printer would print it... stupid thing. it seems fab i am really looking forward to starting it. the first module is cameras and lenses...  for once in my life i will actually be doing something for me and i will have a dipolma in photography. and i will be able to take lovely photo's of my boy's.


Monday, 21 April 2008


right just looking at my options about what course to do...... there is either thurrock tech... which is good because it is in the college and it would be good to be with other people but looking at the btec course its a bit too basic for example you don't even need a camera at first? you have too do a year on that course before you can go on to the next one which is also a year. or there is an on line course that looks soooo good it had 12 models which take about 24 weeks or up too a year depending on how long you take to do it.  the one a thurrock tech is about £250 altogether  or the on line one is £550 which i would have a degree at the end of it and it seems to me that it teaches more. thinking about it i would have to do the next year at thurrock tech which would cost the same again ..... what to do i think the on line course would be better but its having time when bubba comes?

oh i think i will talk to Floyd and figure it out what ever way i can't bloody wait wooooooo hooooooo. he said i could do it now whilst we have the money so hopefully if i do it i can get a good start before bub's comes.

right going to do my shopping and watch eastenders 

Friday, 18 April 2008

so perfect

how can one photo show so much..  he loves his brother so much and i think this photo reflects that. one shot and it came out perfect just like my boys

Monday, 14 April 2008


well i feel poop today i have what floyd has had all week. yuck

so baby is breech at the moment hopefully he will turn so i can give birth at home.  i think he will turn. i have been looking on a few websites about different things i can do to help him turn.

can't believe there is only 1 game left boo hoo. i am going to miss my sunday mornings watching the boys. have lots to sort out about the new kit and the end of season do. have some good ideas about really making it a laugh at the do so it should be fun.


Friday, 11 April 2008


i can't believe how sleepy i feel today zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
and i have been so uncomfortable for the last few days.. i have been tossing and turning at night as soon as i get comfy baby moves and then i get uncomfy ..... can't win lol.
and i just feel like putting on joggy bottoms and a jumper and being cozy... but i won't because i don't want to look like a a tilbury pregnant woman..he he

me floyd and blake are going to watch the west ham and newcastle game on the 26th of april i don't know how i am going to get through the turn mill? oh well i am sure they have a fat persons one.... well i hope

i am gutted that it is nearly the end of the season for our boys (crosskeys) what am i going to do with my sunday mornings?  ooooo nearly bootsale season thats good.

Tuesday, 8 April 2008

i am still thinking.....

that i was right ... you have not bothered at all so i will go along with what i said and you won't be told when he arrives because all that will happen is you will act like you have always been there ... which you haven't.
you will not have that privilege  and you don't diserve  it... shame really but you made that choice.


So i brought baby's monitor yesterday which should come in the next 10 days..... and i got 25% off for having a promo code from a mag... its so worth looking around and not rushing it saves you so much money.
still a bit worried about the whole pushchair thing as its getting closer now... 
we wont get the furtinture untill his room is done.
still going to write a list today of everything that we need to get so i can just get it over the next 9 weeks...... eeeeeeeee i love buying all this baby stuff.

he still needs more clothes but we are getting there.

Saturday, 5 April 2008

its all coming along

so the extension now has .... footing and is filled with concrete  woo hoo.  brick work should start next week so its getting there.
i think the next 9 weeks of my pregnancy will go super quick so much going on with the house and so much still to get.
me and Blake walk up the town on Thursday and by the time i got back i was so sleepy and my back was killing... it was then that i thought i am actually really big and pregnant now and i should rest when i am out. its gone so quick that its a bit of a shock the fact that we will have our little bubba in roughly 9 weeks. i really can't wait eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

popping to lakeside today to get Blakey some jeans and other trousers he has hardly anything that fit's he is growing soooo much. got to go to ikea as well. 

i have really enjoyed the sunshine over the few days i hate it that it is going to get cold again its just silly. 
like yesterday afternoon whist Floyd was waiting for the concrete to come him Blake and kyle where playing football out the front. i was just sitting in the sunshine watching its was lovely.... i really could have done with a nice cold beer at that moment... got to wait for ages until i can have one. oh well.

oh and another thing Blake's glasses fell out if my bag and dad trod on them D'OH.......  now Blake has another week without glasses... at least he is not at school.

Tuesday, 1 April 2008

creepy castle

well i cleaned out bowser yesterday and have decided that his cage is too small for him.... so i brought a new rotastak one its soooo good and i got it for a great price on ebay..... saved about £25.
so here it is creepy castle......

its sooooooo cool and it glows in the dark.

looking to the future

could i really go and leave everything behind.... yes i think i could, our life is good here and i love england but the more we talk about it the more i think it would be perfect.
we are not going to rush anything we must look in too it and think what side of the world do we want to go... aus i think would be the best place and they would snap floyd up... or america which is just amazing. i am really going to start looking in too it. and if we are going to do it we want to do it before baby will go to school.. blake would be fine he is such a happy little monkey and makes friends so easily. i will miss friends and family but we can't all be held back. 
haven't made up our mind yet but will look in too it..

well today i have got the building inspector  coming today to look at the footings and the people are coming to get the mud that is nearly as big as the house... and we have had such a result with the brick work.... its getting done for free so deans son can practice... its saved us soooo much money.  can't wait for the walls to go up so i can start planning when things are going to go...eeeeeeeeeeee baby will have a room and we will have a dinning room yay.

off to get dressed so i am not in my dressing gown when the building people come x