Wednesday, 2 December 2009

wow what a few months

will be 20 weeks pregnant on Friday and i can't wait to meet our new member of the family. i have had a different pregnancy this time with morning sickness and my sense of smell has gone up, my bump seems massive this time and its really sticky outy.. but i am now at that nice time in pregnancy and feel full of life.
we have our scan on Tuesday so i am really looking forward to seeing our baby again.
the house is getting there soon to have windows and doors so i am very happy with that.

there have been a few ups and downs lately but i know i should not let them get to me but they do things change and sometimes you have to learn to let go and see what path life takes you down, and i truly believe that one day things might get back to how they were but for now i just have to accept that things are the way they are. from one month to the next i don't know where i stand and i now i don't know what to say and i don't think i can bring myself to start talking about it because i don't think it will change. all i want is for people to be happy for me and my family and to accept that i am moving on and i am happy and i am not always going to be that person that people pertained me to be. i am very proud of what we have done and how we went from days where we didn't even have enough money for a pint of milk to turning our life around and getting somewhere in life. and nobody is going to bring me down for feeling happy about my life.....enough said

Blake is really settled in his new school. He is top of the class in maths and moving up in his reading really quickly i am very proud of him. his football is going well and he still loves it.

sonny is amazing he is in too everything but so funny and clever and gives the best cuddles. i can't believe he is 17 months its flown by. poor little monkey had chicken pox a few weeks back but he is doing fine now just a few scabs left.

well my fingers are dead so i am going to carry this on tomorrow

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