Saturday, 31 May 2008

still waiting

still waiting for bubba to come i just want him to come now its not even like i am bored of being pregnant i love it. i just want to see my baby. 
i have got to say i have really had enough of everyone fussing over me its driving me mad. one minute its " oh that's a sign" or "have you got any twinges"  well i am a week away from my due date so its obvious i am going to get things. i know that every one wants him here but really not as much a me. and i know that everyone is just being caring buts its driving me mad. at the end of the day i am feeling great,i am no longer stressed about the whole fight thing so i don't want to be fussed about. i just want to get through the last bit of pregnancy with out getting stressed because  people are stressing me out keep bloody asking all the time. lol
i am looking forward to getting in too shape after baby is born because there is no excuse anymore i am going to lose all my weight and be a yummy mummy.
Floyd is doing the roof today so that is good. 

Thursday, 29 May 2008

feeling for today

i feel a bit rough today... last night i felt dizzy and sicky and now this morning i have had a period like belly ache its getting on my nerves. i really hope its a sign he is coming he he. but i don't want to get my hopes up. every time i get a slight twinge i think oh could it be today? so i will just have to wait and see. i was only saying yesterday i am bored i want to go in too labour lol maybe someone has listened.
so Floyd had to have his front tooth taken out the poor thing. its made him even more mad about the whole thing. i think if it was not for me Blake and baby he would have gone and found them and sorted it. but the other  person involved in it is really not happy so we will have to wait and see what happens. more things have come to light but we don't know if they are trying to blame it on someone else but we will get to the bottom off it.
the swelling on his face has really gone down and so has his lip so he is looking more like Floyd again. and its nice to be able to give him a kiss again. its not nice looking at him with no tooth but its not his fault. 
i so want our baby now i just want to see what he looks like and cuddle him and smell him lol. i still have not packed my hospital bag just in case i have to go in hospital. i think i will do it tonight. i have got the midwife on Monday maybe she will be able to see if i am dilated at all. that's if he don't come before. i want him i want him i want him.
my Fifi and jay are coming round today so i can't wait too see them its been ages. Blake can't wait to see nieve he is so sweet he said " i will put my go go's away and get out Mr potato head out she will like that"
he is going to be such a good big brother. 
i have said to Floyd that if he wants to buy me anything for becoming a mummy again he can get me a wii fit lol. i can not wait to get going on getting my body back.
my extension is coming on really well the doors and windows are all in and the wall in the middle is there. floyd is going to do the roof over the weekend which will mean that it is water tight them the inside can really get going. woo hoo

Tuesday, 27 May 2008

how i feel about it all

i am trying not to stress about the whole thing but its so hard when all you get is reminders of what happened Floyd did not deserve that. all Floyd ever does is try to protect people that he loves and ends up getting glassed and kicked in the head. i am so angry at the whole thing and just want to scream but i know that i have to keep chilled because of baby. so many people have phoned,text or messaged me to ask how Floyd is and i am so great full to them.
the thing that is bothering me is everyone talking about getting them back which i do understand but i have told everyone please just leave it for now i really don't need anymore  stress. i just want my baby brought in too this world in a happy environment.
but every time someone phones Floyd they ask what happened and i have to relive it all again in my head.  and the fact that there was no way i could help him is horrid.
and i hate the fact that i can't even kiss my boyfriend on the lips.  i hate them for doing this to him. but i am going to stop talking about it now because i can feel myself getting angry again. i am going to enjoy half term with blakey boo and think about our hunky baby coming so soon x 

Saturday, 24 May 2008

cornwall woo hoo

so we got our confirmation for Cornwall we are going on September the 1st until the 5Th  and i really can't wait. i have never been there before and can't wait to get my camera out over there he he
the weather is so nice today but i have no garden at the mo its so messy... by next summer i will be able to use it lol

so we went and got babies push chair and the bath so i really feel ready now just waiting for him to want to come out. the thing is i am feeling really well at the moment and don't feel like i am ready to drop. which some say is a sign that you are close but now i just think he is going to be late because i feel to good. i will have to wait and see.

i have got to say that i am getting fed up with everyone asking me every five minutes if i am OK or if i am in labour.....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 
or telling me that i am close to giving birth or in slow labour i think i would know by now lol. he will come when he is ready and i just want to enjoy the rest of my pregnancy with out being treated like i have something wrong with me. i know people are just worried and excited but its driving me MAD..  and Viv is annoying me by keep calling baby "my baby" its mine,Floyd and Blake's baby not hers if she wants a baby go and have one ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh lol
just starting to get agitated now he he.

Friday, 23 May 2008

half term

well first of all i didn't even know that Blake had today off its teacher training day lol.  
so its our last half term on our own and it seems all a bit weird. i know once bub's comes along it will feel like he has been here for ever. its just a bit strange.
i want to try and spend as much time as possible just playing and being with Blake this week. i will probably just spend the whole week in just having me and Blake time. 
its hard because i am so close to having baby that i can't really get out and do much with him but i think he will just be happy with chilling and spending time together.
we are going to go and get babies push chair on Sunday and take Blake to see Indiana Jones at the pictures but i think the rest of the bank holiday weekend Floyd will be doing the extension which really looks like one now it has a sort of roof and doors and windows.

Tuesday, 20 May 2008

its all real now

so today my midwife popped in to bring my home birth pack. well there was me thinking it was going to be just some info and stuff well how wrong was i lol . its was all the medical stuff they will need like needles,caffiter, repair kit( now that is something that scared me)  gloves all that stuff. so it has really made it real that in a few weeks we are actually having a baby....eeeeeeeeee
she said i should put something like a shower curtain on the bed from now really just in case my waters break. 
and basically i am Ready when he is. 
i have been in lots of pain the last few days i think its just the case that i am at the end of my pregnancy and its bloody hard work and he is getting heavy.
god i just can't wait to be a mummy again..... bring it on he he

Sunday, 18 May 2008


i am sure my bubba is going to be about 20lb he is so heavy. my pelvis is killing..... and every time i move the bottom of my tummy hurts where he is resting on it.
he keeps sticking his butt out as well which is so cute but sometimes pain full
i am just really looking forward to seeing him i want him out now...

so i took Blake to the fracture clinic  on Friday and where the lady said he had broken his thumb was not right ( what is up with people getting things wrong) it is actually across the bottom of this thumb just above the growth plate. he said it might effect the growth in his thumb but its highly  unluckily so that's good. he has got to keep the support on until his next cheek up on the 5Th of June. and the doc hold him he should try and not play football... but i just can't seem to stop him everything is football at the moment. i have told him to only kick the ball not be in goal or pick it up so hopefully he will listen to me. 
Its strange with Blake you would not even know he has broke his thumb and has hardly complained at all.. but yesterday he went to dry his face on a towel that's was on the toilet seat but miss judged it and smashed his face on the toilet seat which mad his nose bleed... he freaked out i don't think it was the pain in his nose it was the sight of blood he hated he is a funny thing. Floyd is the same bones don't bother him but blood and guts do. 

the extension is getting there the roof is starting to go up so that's all good. i just cant wait to have two extra rooms and have something else to decorate.

Tuesday, 13 May 2008

woo hoo

the midwife got it wrong he is head down so all is good for our home birth. i had started to worry when i thought he was breech because of the pain in my lower belly. but i know its just were he is not floating in the waters he is now resting on my belly and pelvic bone. i am so happy and i can go back to planning my natural birth.

it was strange looking at the scan picture because he was so big and his face looked so lovely really big cheeks and a little button nose just like Blake it took my breath away at how amazingly beautiful he is and i can not wait to meet him.

yay yay yay i am so happy x x x 

how things can change......

first of all Blake has broke his thumb playing football at school he is OK and you wouldn't even know he has done it. 
he still wanted to play football on Saturday but we talked him out of it. i have got to take him to the fracture clinic on Friday but i don't think there is much more they can for it. he is a brave little monkey.

and second thing is baby is still breech ......?
so i am off to have a scan today to see what is happening. my midwife did not say anything about trying to turn him or see if he will turn by him self she just said that i will have the scan if he is still breech then they will do a c-section at about 37/38 weeks. so my hunky monkey might be here a little bit sooner then we thought. i am feeling OK about it its just changed my plans a bit but at the end of the day as long as bub's and me are OK that's all that matters.
i have Lot's of people around me to help so i know things are going to be OK.
we sorted out the baby stuff yesterday and he has more clothes then the whole of mother care lol. well at least i wont have to worry about loads of washing straight away.
i just can't wait to see him now and to hold him and smell him.. and look at the tiny little toes .... eeeeeeee i am having a baby and i can't bloody wait.

Tuesday, 6 May 2008

feeling good

hopefully everything is sorted now and i don't even know what happened?  but it seems that things are back to normal and that's all that matters now. 

went to mums today and we had a right laugh with the Sims now i know what they are doing when they want to woohoo!!!!!!!!!   and now they want to woohoo in public lol. but the lady Sim kissed someone else and the man slapped her round the face and started crying lol.  god i miss playing the Sims.

Blake's reading seems to be coming on in leaps and bounds and i am so proud and his math's is fab. he really is working hard at school.

and the extension is actually looking like one now it has walls!!!!!!!!!!! i can actually see the size of it now so i can really start to place furniture (in my head) 

i am collecting for a charity for a little girl called holly she is five and has cancer her mum is a single mum of three and can't work because she has to look after holly.  so i am going to have to take this lovely little cuddly dog with me every wear so people can try and guess what its name is its only a pound a go and i have got to get 30 try's.  hopefully everyone will help and help poor little holly. 

and another thing we are going on the sun (paper) holiday break thing... £15 per person and hopefully we will get in and be off to Cornwall in august . its only a four day break but i have never been to Cornwall and really can't wait to go. baby will only be 8 weeks but i am not too worried about that. it will be a really nice break after being pregnant and all the work on the extension. and i think i will get good use of my camera over them few days he he.

Monday, 5 May 2008


Floyd had a really lovely birthday me and Blake got him his private number plate which Say's floydez  it looks fab on the truck. and we got him PES 2008 for the wii and we got him a massage which he loved. we just spend the evening having an Indian and chilling out. 
Then on Friday we went to the outback steak house. the food there is lovely and the company was great we did have a laugh. a few people let us down too go which is a shame but i didn't expect anything different to be honest?

Its strange sometimes when you go to a boot sale and find nothing?  but Sunday we did really well first off was a lady selling loads of boys baby clothes that were fab. gap,next rosha Jon rosha so we brought a few bits from her. Then we got a bed set,rug,lamp and life ring pillow all in nautical theme for babies room for £8.00. so pleased with that.
and we were keeping our eye out for a rocking mosses basket stand and we got a fab one with mosses basket  and sheets and stuff for £10. so all in all we did really well. 
Nigel brought Blake a guitar lol its far to big for him but he loves it.

so i am off to have a fun day with my blakey boo we are going to make muffins and i am going to start doing some off my photography course.