i was laying in bed last night thinking about my floydy... and i feel like i must write down how i feel about him and my life with him.
when we first got together i didn't think anything would come of it we were both young and had no responsibilities. i was the most jealous person in the whole world and Floyd was not really looking for a long term girl friend as such. his longest relationship was about 3 months. but it was strange that he put up with me.. i was a nightmare but he stuck by me and really did see me for me. then when i fell pregnant with Blake after only 4 months of us being together we were shocked because there was one accident and i fell. but we knew that everything would be OK i still was a nightmare with jealousy and hated him going out with out me. it wasn't that i thought he would do anything it was my own feelings about myself that made me like that.
but as time went on and i learned more about myself and what i wanted in life the more mine and Floyd's relationship just fell in too place. when we had Blake it changed us we grew up we took responsibility and started to enjoy the fact that this was it.
we both new that we didn't want Blake brought up in a high rise council flat in chadwell and we both knuckled down and got our self our first place which we really could not afford but we had to take the jump and it was worth it. Floyd learned that he could do anything if he tried hard which he did. he always had mad idea's about what he wanted to do but always put 100% effort in too everything he attempted even if they didn't work out in the end.
but knew he could make good money and provide for his family and that's what he has done. after people thinking that he would never amount to anything he proved everyone wrong.
with my support he knuckled down and passed all this exams and now is a electrician,plumber and gas fitter. he worked so hard to get where he is and i can't even say how proud i am off him
because there are no words that can describe it.
and as a dad he is amazing Blake is such a good well balanced little boy. and i know he is going to grow up too be just like his dad and that makes me so happy. and i know that our other little boy is going to be the same.
he is my best friend and the most amazing man i have ever met and i love him so much. he makes me proud every day. he makes me laugh so much and makes me smile. he has brought out the best in me.
and what i love so much about him is that he is one of the only people that i trust 100%. and its strange because like i said i was a nightmare and didn't trust anyone. but with Floyd its different we both have our own life but at the same time share the most amazing relationship.
i still get the butterflies and that rush of love when i give him a kiss and a cuddle. i look at him and fancy him so much. he really is my soul mate and i do thank my lucky stars that i found him and he has stuck by me. 7 and a half years we have been together and i know that we will be together forever. i can never imagine my life with out him and hope that i will never have too. i love my floydy and he makes me so proud. just like my blakey and baby. i love my family