Wednesday, 27 February 2008

how things change...

i have come to realise that i have really grown up.... after Saturday night at the reunion it really did become clear. some people still have the mental age of a 15 year old and that i really haven't.
taking the piss out of people for  doing what they do is just imarture and stupid. everyone has there own life and there own way of living. i have so much respect for people that can stand up in front of people who were so horrid to them at school and sing there hearts out... good on you for being you and not letting anyone bring you down.  these are the people that will do well in life the people that can let the past be the past and move on. xx

on another note....... i was lying in bed last night and was thinking about the fact that i actually have a small human growing inside my belly. i know that sounds strange because its obvious i am pregnant but it really is amazing how he got there and how my body has changed for him. and that in 14 weeks and 4 days he might be here. and like i said to blake last night my best thing in the world is being a mummy to him and his little brother  and it makes me smile everyday. i love my life and i would never what to change a single thing about it. 
for once i am 100% happy and that coming from me is amazing.
well i am off to mums today to chill out and chat... and eat yummy food he he

Thursday, 21 February 2008


i feel yukky today... my throat is hurting and my pelvis is hurting too. my bump is getting bigger and bigger and i love it... 
 i m going to my school reunion on saturday which should be good.. still don't know what to wear but hey ho i am sure i will find something.
lucy is coming round straight from work so we can get ready. 
i will be 25 weeks on sunday and i can't believe it its going so fast won't be long and he will be here he he. 
i still feel like i need to go and get baby bits which i have not done yet. and i just want babies room done so i can go and fold and re fold clothes..   i love being pregnant x x 

Wednesday, 13 February 2008

my blakey

lost his second tooth on monday night and swollowed it lol.... all day we had been trying to get it to come out and then at dinner time it does and it goes in his belly... he still got his money from the tooth fairy  as she will get it when it comes out the other end he he.

we also have a new member of the family bowser the Gerbil. He is so lovely. they really do make great pets they are clean, friendly live for about 5 years and can be tamed.  got to get him some sand as they like to clean them self in it. 
i have never owned a gerbil before but they seems such good pets and another good thing they are more active in the day then at night... no silly chewing  and going around a wheel for 4 hours  in the night like hampsters. 

last night floyd felt baby do one of those huge kicks he does he was shock at how strong he is, i love him kicking and moving around it really is amazing...

Monday, 11 February 2008

baby blue

i am so happy we are having another boy, blake is such a pleasure and i know that this bubba is going to be has lovely as blakey.
i have had a few people ask me if i am disapointed that i am not having a girl  and asking if i am going to try for a girl...... to be honest i have not taken these comments lightly i am so happy that i have a healthy lively little boy who is going to be an added star to my family. i really didn't mind either way as long as babes was all ok thats all that mattered.
i just want to go out and a buy baby stuff i am really nesting. but i have know where to put anything.  i am loving being pregnant my bump is just  amazing its huge he he....

on another note i am really disapointed at the lack of interest that a certain person has had...... are you bothered are you happy for us .... i really don't know anymore. i would love to be able to share such a happy moment in my life with you but your lack of  interest is bothering me.